Category Archives: transit culture

A bus-chick-friendly holiday

The Bus Fam has just (as in, 30 minutes ago) returned from another car-free mini-vacation to Vancouver. (More on the trip sometime next week.) The Friday train up there was sold out, so we had to take Amtrak’s overflow bus (so not the same). We did get to ride the train home today, which was especially cool, since it happens to be National Train Day.

A poster for National Train Day at King Street Station
A poster at King Street Station

Not a bad day to travel for a family of transit geeks. They gave Chicklet a sticker and everything.

On transit geeks and aging

My beloved Bus Nerd celebrated a birthday on Wednesday. He’s not old enough for a midlife crisis yet, but it did get us to thinking:

How, exactly, does a bus nerd of a certain age attempt to recapture his youth? Yes, he can chase after younger bus chicks or get hair plugs, but what’s a middle-aged bus nerd’s equivalent of a red sports car?

Any thoughts? I’d like to be prepared.


Posts will continue to be slow in the coming days. (The project is not yet complete, I’ve just recovered from a nasty bug, and my poor little Chicklet is still sick.) In the meantime, get thee to a library and check out The Subway Chronicles, a fabulous collection of essays by well-known New York writers (Colson Whitehead, for one) about their experiences getting around on PT. Talk about a perfect ride read!

And yes, I know that the book came out in 2006, but 1) I’m almost always late to the party (that is, when I’m not leaving early) on stuff like this*, and 2) my “to read” list is so long, I have actual relatives whose books are waiting to be cracked.

Speaking of New York…

Streetfilms is celebrating 200 fun, informative films–all free and easy to watch and share–with a cool promo. Congrats (and thanks) to the Streetfilms team.

* And by “stuff like this,” I mean any newly released form of art that is not related to Toni Morrison.

Today’s the day!

Call me a BDP or a mindless Metro booster if you must, but I’m excited to celebrate Bus Driver Appreciation Day. I am grateful for all the hard-working men and women who’ve been getting me there for six years and then some, and I’m especially grateful for those who’ve managed to do it with a smile (or a little music).

This new (because we said so!) holiday seems like a pretty good excuse to share stories about our favorite–and most memorable–drivers. What you got?

Thanks for the ride! (part II)

Hans and Shannon, two soon-to-be-married bus types from Capitol Hill, have officially declared March 18th Bus Driver Appreciation Day. (Apparently, there is no such official day–at least not one that they could find record of.) I, for one, am totally on board (sorry, couldn’t resist) and ready to help make it happen. Since this is a new thing, we get to decide how it works. Here’s what I’m thinking:

Next Wednesday, tell every driver whose bus you ride, “Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day!” Make sure to keep smiling, even if they all look at you like you’re crazy. If you have a favorite driver, consider bringing him/her a card* or other token–nothing that would be hard to keep on a bus all day, just something small** to show your love.

So, my fellow riders: Go forth, and appreciate. And oh yeah: Pass it on!

* Note to Hallmark: In case you missed the headlines: More people than ever are riding the bus. Don’t sleep on this opportunity!
**I talked to a few veteran drivers who suggested that jewelry was sufficiently small. They were kidding, of course. Sort of.

Transit tees

Spring is around the corner (theoretically, at least). In honor, some transit-boosting t-shirts y’all might take a shine to.

This LA Metro shirt, sent to me by Clarence from NYC (aka “Streefilms Guy”), gave me a chuckle.


The back has a Metro symbol and the word “Nice.” Nice.

This one was designed a little closer to home– by Sarah U., a bus chick from Olympia who is all about showing her transit pride.


As you might already know, I’m a sucker for anything with a picture of a bus on it.

If the right person (read: a really hot person) rocked either of these shirts, I think we could increase ridership–or at least increase the bus sexy around here. Sexy Seattle bus riders: Get to ordering!

Chicklet’s future (fingers crossed)

I spotted this book-loving young bus chick on a southbound 48 (yes, I do ride other routes) the other day.

A book-loving bus chick
BIG book, little person

I was planning to ask her what she was reading on my way out, but she got off before I did. My guess? Based on the book’s size and the intensity of her focus: Lord of the Rings. Which reminds me: A few weeks ago, on the 14, I saw a bus chick of about the same age with her nose buried Return of the King.

Looks like the future of buschickhood (buschickdom? buschickery?) is in good hands.

Speaking of multitasking…

This crafty young bus chick was cutting out sign letters (perfectly, despite the bumpy ride) while carrying on an involved conversation with her coworker* about the generosity of said coworker’s boyfriend.

Sign making on the 48

It seems that he (the boyfriend, that is) has recently purchased a gorgeous pair of Coach flats for his lady love.

Stylish and bus friendly? Impressive choice!

*Note that I cannot vouch for the safety of this particular activity and therefore do not recommend it.

Oh, Santa…

As you know, I ain’t one to hawk products [ahem], but this might just be the answer to my chick/chicklet bag dilemma.

The description even says it can be used as a “hip alternative diaper bag,” whatever that means. (You know you’re desperate to regain your cool when you’re willing to believe there’s such a thing.)

If only it came in other colors. I love buses and all, but school-bus yellow isn’t really my flavor.