Monthly Archives: March 2009

And speaking of crafts…

On our 48 ride home yesterday, a very kind bus driver gave Chicklet a page to color. She (the bus driver) had a whole folder full of these:

Chicklet's bus masterpiece
Chicklet’s masterpiece, completed post-ride. Limited (but appropriate!) color palette provided by Mom.

And, I assume, she dispensed them to other pint-sized riders throughout the day. Nice touch. Now all they need is Metro-themed crayons.

Update, 2/9:

Another ride (with the same driver), another picture:

My 16-month old artiste
Happy she got to choose her own colors this time

I love riding on the coloring-page-woman’s bus. She’s friendly and helpful to everyone, remembers passengers from one day to the next, and knows a lot about the city and the route she drives. She even has a sign in her front window that says, “I love my job.” (Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a photo of it.)

We can tell, Ms. Bus Driver. We can tell.

Speaking of multitasking…

This crafty young bus chick was cutting out sign letters (perfectly, despite the bumpy ride) while carrying on an involved conversation with her coworker* about the generosity of said coworker’s boyfriend.

Sign making on the 48

It seems that he (the boyfriend, that is) has recently purchased a gorgeous pair of Coach flats for his lady love.

Stylish and bus friendly? Impressive choice!

*Note that I cannot vouch for the safety of this particular activity and therefore do not recommend it.