A world away, yet close to home

Sorry for the lack of posts of late. Bus Nerd and I spent the early part of this week in Selma, Alabama, visiting some of his relatives. On the long journey to Selma, we stopped in Montgomery, a city made famous by one very historic bus ride. (Yes, I will take any opportunity to mention my shero.)

While I’m on the subject…

My new favorite bus stop:

Rosa Parks bus stop
Rosa Parks bus stop
“The way we live now will affect the state of the world in the future.” -Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks bus stop
“This world has taught me that we must do what is right.”
Rosa Parks bus stop
Rosa Parks bus stop

If you’re interested in checking it out for yourself, it’s the northbound 7/39/48 stop on the east side of Rainier, just north of Alaska.

…and my favorite bus poem:

Rosa Parks Dream


Rosa Parks Dream

Young man one color,
elder woman yet another

which is which no fuss
All one on the packed bus

His seat offered, happily declined
-she sits all day…..but still….how kind!

Unnoticed words about Rosa printed above
Off the bus I wept, in joy and love

Thank you again Rosa

– Markus Wells

I would love this poem even if it wasn’t about Mrs. Parks. In just a few words, the author manages to capture what I love so much about the ride:

“Which is which no fuss/All one on the packed bus.”
